The best thing I’ve shared for s long time! This…
The best thing I’ve shared for s long time! This piece of material is essential for every Parent or teacher with children 0-6yrs. As soon
The best thing I’ve shared for s long time! This piece of material is essential for every Parent or teacher with children 0-6yrs. As soon
You have two lives. The second one starts when you realise that you only have 1. Share ❤️
Should we force our children to share? Children just have such a strong (and often unreasonable) sense of justice. They want so badly for you
I don’t normally write about politics as you know. But I think it’s very important that our students understand, that although the international news reports
Should we really be reading aloud to the children in our classes? Reading aloud to the children in our homes and our classrooms is of
My advice for a happy life. Eat half Walk double Laugh triple Work hard Be a good person And love unconditionally. ❤️
Just to be nominated for Australian of the year will do me just fine!!! Whoever nominated me out there? Thank you ❤️
Just going to leave this here for everyone to see.
Signs of a good classroom “Am I a good teacher? “ Is a question you may ask yourself. Or “Is my child’s teacher any good?”
It’s truly amazing what one can achieve in 12 months, when you work from your heart, you have the right intentions, you have the support
I know what you’re thinking!! What age can children start doing household jobs? And what kinds of jobs are appropriate for different age groups? Well
You’ve got two hands for a reason. One to help yourself, and another one to help others. By helping others you’ll be helping yourself, so
After the recent success building a school in southern Nepal, a call has come in from a remote village in the mountainous region of Tupcha,
“Model the behaviour you wish to view in your child.” When parents or teachers observe their children, we recognise patterns in their behaviours. There are
Here’s ten simple ways to improve your relationship woth your child at home. 1. Never carry a child’s school bag, it’s their bag, they carry
As we discussed the year so far, a teacher told me that she hadn’t had the best year. She’d fallen behind with assessments and hadn’t
The ones who plant trees knowing that they will never sit in their shade, have at least begun to understand the true meaning of life.
“How old would you be if you didn’t know your birthdate?” She said 37 and I bought it! Don’t let anything, especially age get in
Thank you for always bringing your best self to work You really are the perfect education influencer!
How are we going to spark new light into the profession of teaching? As teachers, we are expected to inspire our students, ignite passion, creativity
I whispered in his ear “Don’t let anyone ever tell you that you can’t be what you want to be! “ ❤️
8 reasons teaching is the best job In the 15th century, to be a teacher was a role that the community and greater society held
What’s the absolute BEST way to improve your teaching and your children’s future without having to do something so drastic? It’s not so much as
This picture shows a group of children receiving their first ever book! As human beings, we are always working towards the ultimate goal of feeling
As I stood in front of over 200 future leaders of India, I wanted to make sure that my message of the importance of compassion
Teachers all over the world! This is the greatest idea you’ll ever hear. It uses 1 simple map of the world, research tools and children
Still today in the 21st century, as we plan to inhabit Mars, have flying cars and cyborgs that can now live as humans, many teachers
The top five things that help schools and students reach their full potential. 1. A healthy, positive parent community filled with realistic, responsible parents who
Top ten qualities of a ‘good’ teacher What are the qualities that a ‘good’ teacher holds? 1. They have a strong moral compass. They understand
The face I pull when a news reporter asks me if reading is really that important when we have YouTube for information ❤️
When I want to stress the importance of independent, self motivated, students who are assessed on competences rather than mundane facts, I make this pose.
So….. you’ve taught a lesson to your class on rhyming words/sounds and after allowing the children to select something they’re passionate about as the subject
Last week I demonstrated how to draw (badly) to a group of Nepalese children who had never had a chance to use a coloured pencil.
You are the wave that washes into the shore bringing a hope of new life to the land. You are the wind that carries melodies
Amazing day in Hyderabad training the teachers of these 25 fantastic school principals. The training was organised by the wonderful ashoka beera who I will
2018 was a year of sharing knowledge, building bridges with liked minded individuals and building schools in the Himalayas. The world wants to help but
The children of Nawalparasi will now have a safe place to learn for as long as they need it. Happy new year everyone. Thanks for
What is the secret to success? No matter what industry you work in, there are always going to be Obstacles in your path. Meeting those
Do you want 2019 to be your year? Don’t sit on the couch and wait for it, don’t fill your time with mindless news, films
Feeling happy to be in the Himalayan news today with a lovely headline. I’ve had so much building this school that I’ll probably need to
The importance of a well stocked library within a school or community has a greater impact that one could possibly imagine, especially in countries where
2 days ago it was a a bare wall in the Himalayan village of Dabila. Today it is a thriving library filled with children who
What a wonderful Christmas morning distributing stationary to a rural school in Nawalparasi. After a brief discussion he promised to ban the teachers from hitting
Live at today’s school opening in Nepal! It’s been a big year and I want to publicly thank you all for your support and for
Christmas is a time when we understand how it feels to give and receive. An important lesson for children is to be present in the
With only 48 hours left until we open the school in Nawalperasi it’s touch and go. No doors, windows, paint, carpets, shelves. But we are
Would you like a free 30 page booklet filled with activities on emotional intelligence for 5-8 year olds? All you need to do is 1.
Today we brought the children of the community of Newalperasi together to draw pictures that will hang in the school library. It was one of
You know when you’ve gotta stop yourself from crying but you can’t and a tear comes out and then someone asks if you’re crying! ❤️
The ‘executive reality check’ is where you step out of your bubble of corporate city living. A place where your watch, your car and your
A quick lesson on body parts before breakfast ❤️
After 12 months of fundraising, and 4 days of solid travel to get here, I finally saw the school I’ve been building in a village
True test of a teacher After visiting Southern Nepal to check in on an old friend of mine and deliver some teaching resources, I realised
Be very careful what you say, how you act towards others and the presence you portray around children. Everything you say is absorbed, everything you
Travel will cure any misconceptions the media want us to believe. A well travelled mind is an open one! ❤️
There are many problems in the world we call home. War, global warming, racism, famine, inequality. They can all be solved with one simple word.
Most of things in this life that make us truly happy simply cannot be bought. Buy verbs not nouns with your money and you will
The greatest pieces of advice for every educator! Treat the school year as a marathon, not a sprint. Every learner is different and unique and
As she looked into the distance, there was a story in her eyes. A story of her past. Her hands were soft like silk, her