The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Gavin Mccormack

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

After the recent success building a school in sou…

After the recent success building a school in southern Nepal, a call has come in from a remote village in the mountainous region of Tupcha, the children have no access to books, teaching materials or shoes.

We have decided to build them a library containing 10,000 books and a community teacher training centre, to allow teachers to make materials and enhance the local education system.

I am therefore putting the call out to the world to help. Already books and materials have been collected and are on their way thanks to , and the students at

If you would like to help by gathering books and posting them to Nepal you would be doing a great service to a community of children the world has no knowledge exists.

I want to give them an equal chance as any other child who walks this earth.

Help me. ❤️

If you’d like the address where to send the books please inbox me and if you do anything today. Share this post.

The centre will open in July.

If you would like to donate cash we are also looking for donations to help this happen. Click here

Thank you

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