There's a famous legend about the origin of chess that goes like this and if you’re finding it hard to inspire your class in maths use it.
When the inventor of chess presented it to the emperor. He was so impressed he said.
"Name your reward!"
The man responded,
"My wishes are simple. I want one grain of rice for the first square of the chessboard, two grains for the next, four for the next, eight for the next, for all 64 squares, each having double the number of grains as the square before."
The emperor agreed, amazed that the man had asked for such a small reward – or so he thought. After a week, his treasurer came back and told him that the amount was far greater than all the rice that could be made in many many centuries!
In fact, there would be this many grains on the last square.
Then ask this question of your students!!!
“You are offered a job, which lasts for 7 weeks. You get to choose your salary.”
Either, you get $100 for the first day, $200 for the second day, $300 for the third day. Each day you are paid $100 more than the day before.
Or, you get 1 cent for the first day, 2 cents for the second day, 4 cents for the third day. Each day you are paid double what you were paid the day before.
Enjoy ❤️