The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Gavin Mccormack

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

There are two kinds of people in this world. Thos…

There are two kinds of people in this world.

Those who look at the moon and think;

“Wow, I can’t believe that we have a natural Satellite created over 5,000,000,000 years ago when another planet collided with earth, chipping off a huge chunk that was caught in the earth’s gravitational field and has been ever since. Although it is moving away from earth at a rate of 7cm per year, it still controls the tide, the ocean currents, the wind, the weather, it is the reason there is life on earth and it looks magnificent.

And those who look at the moon and say

“What’s on TV tonight?’


Have a lovely day my magnificent friends!

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