The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Gavin Mccormack

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The Power of Observation for Teachers and Parents.

“Teaching is about knowing when to teach, but also when not to.”

You see when we teach, it’s all eyes on us. Suddenly the teacher is the centre of attention, but to truly understand the developmental needs of our children, we need to place them at the centre.

How do we do that? We inspire them, set them free and observe them in action.

Through observation over a prolonged period, we can learn more about our students, than any lesson or written assessment can ever tell us.

When we take time to observe the traits of our students we see things such as;

• How they prefer to work?

• Who they prefer to work with?

• Which mediums they rely on?

• What or who are their major distractions?

• What social obstacles they face?

• How they communicate and collaborate?

• How they operate socially or how they deal with conflict?

• How aware they are of their peers as they learn around them?

• How Independent they are?

Ultimately, when we take time to observe our students, we can assess their level of emotional intelligence, their perception of what learning is and how they utilise essential skills such as empathy, resilience and determination to achieve their desired goals.

‘Good teachers teach, great teachers know when not to!’

#teachers #montessori #education

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