The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Gavin Mccormack

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The Importance of Trust

Trust in schools is absolutely essential if we want our children to thrive in the classroom.

School leaders and principals must first trust their teachers. They must understand that each teacher is different, we are all cut from a different mould and will teach according to our passions, our own experiences and our personality.

Similarly, teachers must trust that their students can handle a pedagogy based around independence, choice and experimentation. Every child learns differently, at their own pace and in a way that meets their needs.

When we have trust in our education systems, magic happens. The children are suddenly engaged under the guidance of a teacher who can teach without a critical eye looking over their shoulder.

‘It’s not what children are being taught that causes their eyes to glaze over, it’s how they’re being taught and it’s all about trust.’

#education #teachers #children #parenting #school

One Response

  1. Hey Dave, I think your statement help me to believe it firmly that students and parents may take time to adapt themselves to teaching style of the teacher for the first few weeks or days, but sooner or later they realise it when they figured out the way they are able to learn and understand the things or the subject in a fun and with proper clarity.

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