The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Gavin Mccormack

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Are you ready to improve your teaching style? Do y…

Are you ready to improve your teaching style? Do you want to free up more time in the curriculum for other subjects? Would you like time to observe your students as they work?

It’s called ‘Connection based learning!’

Here’s how you deliver it.

Use broad themes when planning. So instead of planning to teach Ancient Greece. Plan to teach ‘European studies’ you’ll see why in a moment.

Now tell your students that there are millions of ways they can represent their ‘work’ to you and the class such as reports, interviews, models, videos, plays, drama, dance etc.

So under the umbrella ‘European Studies’ choose a European county the YOU are passionate about. Maybe Greece, you’ve got photos at the acropolis etc.

Then give a short 15 minute presentation to the class on what you know about Greece. Pictures, facts, statistics, charts, models.

You will tell the story with passion. The passion will excite your class and hey presto!! Tell your enthusiastic class to choose a European country they love and they’ve got a week to come back and teach the group.

Best thing is they can represent their findings however they like, they can work alone, as a group and all the while they’re using maths, language, English, history, research etc.

Try it!!!

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