Being a school principal is no easy task. It requires a unique set of skills and qualities to lead a school effectively and create a positive learning environment for students. Here are ten good features of a school principal:
Visionary leadership: A good school principal has a clear vision for the future of the school and is able to effectively communicate and implement this vision to the school community. As education expert Dr. Tony Wagner says, “A good principal must be a visionary leader who can inspire and motivate students, teachers, and parents to achieve excellence.”
Strong communication skills: A principal must be able to effectively communicate with a variety of stakeholders, including teachers, students, parents, and the larger community. As former principal Dr. Carol Ann Tomlinson says, “Effective communication is at the heart of a principal’s ability to lead and support teachers and students.”

Collaborative approach: A good principal works collaboratively with teachers, staff, and the larger community to create a positive and supportive learning environment. As education expert Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond says, “A principal who is a collaborative leader is more likely to create a school culture that is positive and nurturing.”
Fair and consistent: A good principal treats all students and teachers fairly and consistently, and is able to handle conflicts and challenges in a thoughtful and measured way.
Strong decision-making skills: A principal must be able to make tough decisions and navigate complex challenges. As education expert Dr. Robert Marzano says, “A good principal is able to make sound decisions that are in the best interest of students and teachers, even when those decisions are not popular.”
Open to feedback and new ideas: A good principal is open to hearing feedback and new ideas from teachers, students, and the larger community, and is willing to make changes when necessary.
Strong relationship-builder: A good principal is able to build strong relationships with students, teachers, and the larger community. As education expert Dr. Lisa Westman says, “A principal who is able to build positive relationships is more likely to create a school culture that is welcoming and inclusive.”
Supportive and encouraging: A good principal is supportive and encouraging of teachers and students, and is able to provide guidance and resources to help them succeed.
Passionate about education: A good principal is passionate about education and is committed to constantly improving and innovating in order to benefit students.
Adaptable and flexible: A good principal is able to adapt to changing circumstances and is open to trying new approaches and methods.
Overall, a good school principal possesses a combination of strong leadership skills, effective communication, a collaborative approach, fairness and consistency, strong decision-making skills, openness to feedback and new ideas, strong relationship-building skills, supportiveness and encouragement, passion for education, and adaptability and flexibility. These qualities help to create a positive and effective learning environment for students.
2 Responses
Spot on. I would like to add – A Principal is a leader who creates more leaders.
Great overview. The soft skills unique to each principal / administrator makes all the difference.