The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Gavin Mccormack

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The QTQR Method for Teachers

To bring back the magic in your class and truly enjoy teaching again, follow the simple QTQR system:

‘Question – Teach – Question – Release’

Stage 1 – ‘Question’: Create a question around the topic you are about to teach. Make it interesting for yourself and answer it in the most engaging way possible! If the topic is geology, ask yourself, ‘What can rocks tell us about the history of the world?’ Then, go to a cave, crawl inside, and find some evidence to bring back to class and present your theory.

Stage 2 – ‘Teach’: Inspire the children in your class using the question you asked yourself and the inspirational method you used to answer it, to get them to start thinking. See their faces light up when they see how excited you are to teach it!

Stage 3 – ‘Question’: Ask the children the same question and give them an open-ended scope on how they represent their findings, whom they work with, and where they work!

Stage 4 – ‘Release’: Let them go, step back, and watch the magic unfold. Of course, you’ll need to guide them at times, but only if they ask!

Teaching is the most creative and theatrical job on the planet! If only the powers that be would stop forcing us to produce test scores and results, we might be able to rediscover that magic again.

Use the QTQR method and let me know how it goes!

education #school #teacher #teaching #teach #montessori

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