The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Gavin Mccormack

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The greatest pieces of advice for every educator! …

The greatest pieces of advice for every educator!

Treat the school year as a marathon, not a sprint. Every learner is different and unique and will take a different path to learning. Be there to guide them on their way, because that’s why they need you.

A million tools and strategies are unnecessary to good teaching. This is all about balance; find what works best for you and your students, and keep it simple.

Don’t take it personally. As far as teaching advice goes, this can be hard to adopt, and especially for new teachers.

The truth is teaching is a tough job because people are complicated, and you can care deeply while still being objective and professional.

The students should talk more than you do. In other words, give them ample room to express opinions, ask questions, converse collaboratively, and surprise you with their insights.

Your influences last a lifetime, so use them wisely. The students might forget what you say, but they’ll never forget how you made them feel.

Teach them the skills that matter. School is there for the students, not the other way around.

Find your identity as a teacher. Why do you teach? What makes you curious? Most of all, what do you love about your students? Consider this your personal teaching “brand”

Teach from your heart! ❤️

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