The fundamental role of any teacher is to inspire the children in your care. It is not to prove how much you know, it is not to control the students and it is not to prove how good you are.
These things and more will come to you if you can inspire the class.
There will be no behavioural issues, you will succeed and you will climb the ladder of experience but you must inspire the children.
With inspiration comes curiosity, those little eyes ignited with excitement. The need to understand and experience what the world has to offer. Research, reading, questioning and failing will all follow.
If you inspire your class to learn, they will fly like birds. I Dore does not mean encourage. It means teaching from your heart about subjects you’re passionate about.
Once you inspire you send a spark that can ignite 1000 fires.
‘Teach your children the ways of the world with love and care or the world will teach them without it.’
One Response
I have always love to inspire the kids in the field of Education for the past 25 yrs in the school academics.