The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Gavin Mccormack

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The 7 Steps to Retention!

The standard method of teaching where the teacher stands at the front, lectures the children on a specific topic and then expect them to retain it, doesn’t work!

Here are 7 steps to wholistic retention displayed below and here’s how to implement each and every one of them.

1. Lecture – direct instruction from the teacher, simply inspiring students and informing them about the learning goal! Get them hooked!

2. Reading – the class and yourself will read a text based on the topic. This is the foundation for discussion later. Read together!

3. Audiovisual – the class are asked to watch or listen to more information on the topic in their own time. This assists non- literal learners.

4. Demonstration – the teacher models an activity of his/her choice. This sets the expectations to the students and demonstrates your knowledge.

5. Discussion – The groups are required to discuss the topic, plan activities, hypothesise and nut-out any problems they may face.

6. Practice – The students carry out their research, compile their evidence and complete their project. This is independent and could take up to 1 week!

7. Teach others – the students use their finished product to teach others about what they learned.

#teacher #montessori #education

Let’s make the change! ❤️

3 Responses

  1. Hey Gavin, I am Urvashi Sah, a Montessori teacher. Could you give an example of the demonstration? What I understood is giving an example/project to the students and then I am unable to grasp… (This sets the expectations to the students and demonstrates your knowledge.)

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