It’s those moments of despair that make us stronger, those moments that nobody sees, it’s not documented with smiling faces and celebration.
A few months ago we were all ready to open the school in Kavre. We’d driven to the outskirts of Kathmandu to collect the tables and chairs from the factory.
The man needed paying right there and then, my bank account has been closed due to suspicious activity, the telephone network was down, the SIM card had broken and the limit western union permit per day had been reached.
As I crouched on the side of a dusty road with a burning tyre next to me, motorbikes drove by wondering what I was doing.
At that very moment I was alone in this world. I needed a solution and I needed it quick. It’s these moments that enable us to grow.
We come across problems but are able to bypass the normal route to find the solution that suits. It’s these innovations that we need to teach our students. Think outside the box to solve these problems.
If your designing word problems for your class to solve make them bigger than your children can even imagine. Get them to think outside the box, the bigger picture, a global perspective. Innovation should be in the national curriculum from a very early age.
What do you think?