The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Gavin Mccormack

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

If 100 People Lived on Earth!

Young children can find it hard to understand big numbers and percentages when it comes to talking about how the entire population of the world. the solution is to meet them with numbers they do understand, so let’s meet them where they are.

If you want your children to take real action to create a world where we all have the things we need to live safely, first make it simple!

This visual allows you to explain the simple fact that for every 100 people that live on this planet, 13 have to drink, wash and cook in dirty water. In a class of 30 children that would mean 4 children would be drinking dirty water for lunch!

Here are a few statistics to get you started and get your children thinking:

‘If there were only 100 people who lived on Earth, only 87 would have clean water.’

‘If there were only 100 people who lived on Earth, 14 people wouldn’t be able to read or write.’

‘If there were only 100 people who lived on Earth, 71 people would live on less than $10 per day.’

‘If there were only 100 people who lived on Earth, only 1 person would spend more than $90 per day.’

‘If there were only 100 people who lived on Earth, 1 person would have half of all the money in the world, the other 99 people would share the rest.’

‘If there were only 100 people who lived on Earth, 21 people would be overweight and 1 person would be starving.’

‘If there were only 100 people who lived on Earth, only 77 people would have a place to live, 23 people would be homeless.’

‘If there were only 100 people who lived on Earth, only 44 would have the internet, 56 people wouldn’t.’

‘If there were only 100 people who lived on Earth, only 7 would go to university, 93 people wouldn’t get a chance.’

Once they know the facts, it’s time to get them into action and ask them what they’d like to do about it!!

Data can drive Action when it’s at the right level!!

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