The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Gavin Mccormack

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Cultural Change in the Classroom

When we educate the children in our care, when we act as the bridge between the child and the knowledge. We must remember to not only educate their minds, but educate their hearts.

Allowing them to feel compassion and empathy whilst learning, are some of the biggest fundamentals of education. To understand that they have the ability to help others, care for their neighbours and understand how someone else feels.

These skills can be woven into various areas of the curriculum. When teaching ancient Egypt, ask the children what the slaves of the pharaoh’s might have felt like! How does it feel to have your freedom and Hunan rights removed?

From these lessons we ask the children what they see as the injustices in today’s world? Climate change, racism, inequality, gender bias, and we put it to them that they have the ability to change these.

As teachers we need to cultivate children who not only have empathy and compassion, but they also have the understanding that they can make a difference.

Although cultural change is slow. Confident, empowered, educated children have the ability to make it happen.

Let’s start cultural change in our classrooms and watch the flowers of revolution blossom.

Educate their hearts and minds.

#curriculum #schools #pedagogy #teaching #montessori

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