The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Gavin Mccormack

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

A teacher’s Mantra.

“A teacher’s Mantra.”

Today I’m going to work hard to be a mother, father, teacher, doctor, brother, friend, judge, jury and mentor all in the next 7 hours.

I’m going to forget about what is happening in my personal life and be the inspiration you need to reach your potential.

I’m going to meet the needs of the government’s strict rules around education whilst making learning fun, individualised and engaging.

I’m going to support you in the choices you make.

I’m going to make sure that your parents understand what we did today so they can carry on at home. (All 30 of them, everyday!)

I’m going to be criticised, judged and told how to do my job from everyone, but I’m going to keep on going because the salary is so …….. oh ? I mean I like working with children.

I’m going to be your friend.

I’m going stay up until midnight each night planning and preparing differentiated lessons for each of you.

I’m going to lay in bed thinking about any problems you may have and how I can help you.

I’m going to dry your tears when you cry, hold your hand when you’re lonely and make you feel special when you’re feeling low.

I’m a teacher, so I’m also going to try and teach.

A teacher’s mantra.❤️

One Response

  1. “…… Try and teach”. More a teacher tries to teach less the student learns. All above points are well accepted.
    Teacher needs to create a positive and responsive environment through empathy and understanding.
    It is not the teaching that needs focus. Students learning must be the focus. This has become the most errant problem in education. Teacher’s mind set have to shift from teaching to student learning to ensure fulfillment of the role.

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