The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Gavin Mccormack

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

A Teacher’s Mantra

If you stop and think long enough about what your true goal is as an educator, you will eventually come to the conclusion that the ultimate achievement for any educator is ‘World Peace’

Nobody can train you to teach from your heart, but if you can reach inside and find your true passion for education then you will demonstrate what it means to be intelligent.

Intelligence is not about grades, it’s not about holding your pencil right, sitting up straight or listening to the teacher.

Intelligence is about acceptance, empathy, compromise, communication and love. It’s about understanding what is wrong with the world and believing that you have the power to change it. The belief that you can make a difference.

Many of the old measures of intelligence are now redundant. Yes, society wants to hold onto these prehistoric measures of intellect by explaining that all is doom and gloom. That the economy is crashing, the markets are down and the world is ending, but the truth is that it’s all about love.

Education is truly about peace and understanding between all living things.

Remember that even though it’s cloudy, the sun is still shining and as an educator you are that sun shining behind the clouds.

Now let’s go out there and change the world.

#montessori #Teacher #education

One Response

  1. Remember that even though it’s cloudy, the sun is still shining and as an educator you are that sun shining behind the clouds.

    Very much appreciate the way it is said …very convinsing…thanks

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