My top ten lessons for children that you won’t find in any curriculum:
- You’ll feel happiest when you give your time and effort to help others. Try it!!
- When you’ve got money, but verbs not nouns.
- You only need a few good friends who really care about you.
- The world and its people are generally good. Don’t be scared to go out there and meet them.
- If an advertisement is telling you how good something is, you probably don’t need it.
- The things that make you the happiest are usually free of charge.
- You are not alone if you feel sad, ugly, weak or afraid. We all have insecurities and it’s very normal. You’re perfect just like everyone else.
- If people tell you to grow up, avoid them.
- Believe your gut. If your stomach tells you something is wrong, it’s wrong. Believe in your sixth sense.
- A ship in the harbour is safe, but that’s not what ships were built for. Get out there and sail the seas, climb the mountains and walk in the grass. The world is a beautiful place and it’s yours to call home and enjoy!
Feel free to copy these and put them on your classroom wall!

Education is much more than school, it’s about life!!