The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Gavin Mccormack

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The Three Forms of Assessment.

What are the three levels of assessment that every school needs to adopt?

When we look at good pedagogy, we start to understand that ‘voice’ is crucial. It’s important that the teachers have a voice, the parents and also the students (no matter how young)

Assessment should be undertaken in three distinct ways.

  1. Testing – although testing can be stressful and should never be the only form of assessment, it does have it’s place. To be able to complete a task in a given time frame, following guidelines is nothing new and it will be a valuable skill for the future.
  2. Observations – make sure that you give time to watch your class in action. I mean how else are you going to assess their essential skills such as collaboration, communication or teamwork if you’re not observing?
  3. Conferencing – once a term have a meeting with a child one-on-one. Take time to listen to them. Ask them how they felt about the term. How was their learning, what do they enjoy and the most important question of all. “Can I do anything to make my lessons better?”

If we assess our children on a multitude of levels, give them a voice, actively listen to them and make changes to meet their needs, then this is a school that everyone will enjoy.

#education #school #montessori #teachers

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