The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Gavin Mccormack

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The Power of Questioning!

How inappropriate to call this planet ‘earth’ when it is clearly water!

“ Does Anyone know why we call it earth?” Would be an amazing way to get your children interested in geography wouldn’t it!

Did you know the earth is about 1/3 the age of the universe, “I wonder what happened in between?’ Would be another great question to get children involved in discovering space and time!

If the history of the whole earth was one calendar year, then conscious upright-walking human beings who know they existed have only been around for 3 seconds of that year. What happened for the other 364 days 23 hours 59 minutes and 57 seconds before we started thinking about being alive?

By this point we have our children hooked, their jaws are open with amazement and it is at that point that we ask “Now what would you like to know about the earth?’

And hey presto! Self guided, self motivated, invested and progressive education is born, based around following the interest of the child and putting them and their interests at the centre of it all! and the best part is…….

You now have time to sit back and observe your students in action, as they answer their own questions in a way that suits them and with the people they feel most comfortable with!

The Educational revolution isn’t about AI or technology. It’s about independence, confidence and the ability to say yes to our students, even when we know that they’re going to make a mistake.

I mean, even you’re thinking why we didn’t call it planet water, aren’t you!

montessori #education #teaching #parents.

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