The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Gavin Mccormack

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Hand Over Your Ownership of the Curriculum.

The more we involve our students in the process of teaching and learning, the more they will feel part of the journey.

They more they will feel that the curriculum is there’s.

Inform the class, which subjects are coming up in the weeks ahead. Enable them to go ahead a research future topics independently and then, once you arrive at the lesson in question, ask if anyone has done prior research and then ask them to teach the class what they know.

You are not the expert, yes, you are a teacher but you only have one view of the topics in question. Why not get 26 other perspectives? We might just learn something?

The skills that come along with this kind of delivery are the intangible skills that cannot be graded, marked or ranked. They are skills for life, skills that will allow your children to demonstrate executive functioning at the age of 7.

Skills such as confidence, posture, intonation, engagement, self reflection, determination, bravery and acceptance are all instilled when a child stands at the front and teaches what they know to their peers.

“The only constant in education is change” and if you are not allowing your students to have ownership over the subjects in which they learn, then I’m afraid you’re still in the dark, reluctant to change.

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