The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Gavin Mccormack

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Gavin McCormack named one of the Most Influential Educators for 2022

Gavin McCormack has been a teacher for more than 25 years, working in countries throughout the world and building many schools in the Himalayan regions of Nepal.

As a Montessori ambassador for Australia and the co-founder and, Gavin has worked tirelessly for 25 years to change the face of education for those before him.

He has trained teachers all over the world and currently runs the two largest teacher training centres in Nepal. His vision is clear. To bring forward the skills for the 21st century into the classrooms of today, making sure that the future leaders of tomorrow are equipped with the essential skills to protect the planet and protect humanity from the pending doom and disaster imposed upon us. by her archaic and backward thinking industrial mechanisms, we currently have in place. 

As a Montessori teacher, Gavin’s focus is to work with the child, putting them in the centre of their educational direction. As a writer, he has engaged in writing many picture books based on ethics and moral lessons for children, whilst also writing and producing a parenting book based on the Montessori principles around early child development and cognitive ability.

Gavin’s new venture of allows children to take 21st-century skills into the classroom, engaging with meaningful and purposeful work in line with the curriculum outcomes within the Australian, and international education pedagogies.

Gavin believes that hope lies behind the door of every classroom in the world, and this means empowering our students to have the confidence to try things that are new, but the resilience to fail and to try again. Gavin’s recent Ted talk spoke of children building confidence, trust, morale and leadership within an environment Skills that are often overlooked in modern educational philosophies and pedagogies. however, Gavin believes that these are the skills that will take us into the future and into a world that we can be proud of. A world, where every life matters, regardless of colour, creed, religion or demographic A world where nature is our greatest ally, not an asset to be over-utilised and where children are looked upon as leaders who have confidence and the independence to make informed choices of their own from a very early age.

Gavin will continue to work tirelessly to make sure that educational equality. Is one of the key features as education develops into the future and beyond.

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