The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Gavin Mccormack

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Cross-curricular/Thematic Learning 101

Cross curricular/thematic learning is the key to a healthy classroom and a happy teacher!

Try asking your class to find out the origins of these common phrases. But first start by researching a few yourself!

For example – ‘You’re a good egg’

‘The analogy he draws is with an egg that on the outside may appear fresh, but when the shell is broken – it may be rotten inside. At the beginning of the 20th-century student begin reversing the phrase and describing decent people as a ‘good egg.’

This phrase is a friendly if rather quaint and old-fashioned way of saying that someone is good, kind-hearted, or that you are fond of them. It alludes, literally to a good egg being one that is edible as opposed to a bad egg being rotten inside.’

Soon you’ll have your students not only using these idioms and phrases but:

  1. They’ll inevitably learn about the life and times of William Shakespeare. (History)
  2. They’ll understand the depth and the story of language including phrases and idioms. (English)
  3. They’ll research collectively and Independebtiy to solve the mysteries of these well known phrases! (Research based learning)
  4. They’ll have a lot of fun doing it and all the while you’ll be observing your class working independently and collaboratively whilst taking notes on the skills they display! (Observation)

Hey presto, tomorrow’s English lesson is done! ❤️

#teacher #students #language #language #people #research #learning

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