The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Gavin Mccormack

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

100 Practical Life Activities for Families During COVID-19 lockdown.

During this time of ‘learning From Home’ many families around the world are still wondering what to do with their children during this time.

Either, they have not received anything from their child’s school or they are at home wondering if they are doing enough. Well luckily for you. I have complied a list of 100 practical Life activities that are not ‘academic’ in their nature, but they all hold valuable skills that will allow your child to flourish once schools are back to normal.

As we all know, the curriculum and the learning that takes place during school is invaluable, but this time is also one that we may never see again. Let’s use it to harness the skills that will set our children up for success in the coming years.

These practical life activities which can be found by clicking HERE can be printed and placed on the wall in every house. The children will be expected to have at least 2 of them included in each day’s planning. This list can also be the ‘go to’ list when there is nothing left to do.

Developing independence in your child will be the most beneficial thing that can come from the lock-down period and if you use this list wisely, it may just help you to enhance the independence that we all wish for our children.

Good luck everyone.

Please share!!

#children #Montessori #teachers #parents

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