I have been thinking about what the perfect lesson looks like.
Here it is.
Introduction 2% – This is where you explain to the class what you are actually going to teach them today. The Learning objective.
Explanation 2% – Teacher explains why this lesson is important. How will it help the students in the future?
Essential Skills 2% – Although you’re teaching fractions, Inform the children that you are also observing skills such as communication, collaboration, empathy, listening skills etc
Explicit Teaching 15% – Model the strategy you’d like them to learn and inform them of the facts that will help them. Inspire them to want to know more.
Questioning 5% – Ask them children what they would like to know about the subject and write these questions down together.
Independent research/Investigation 30% – Allow the children to investigate the questions they generated previously using a variety of research options.
Representation 30% – Allow the children to represent their research in any form they like, whilst working with whom they wish in groups of any size.
Leadership 10% – Ask the children to use their work to teach others in the class.
Feedback 4% – Teacher informs the children of the observations made during the lesson.
#teachers #education #montessori

8 Responses
Wow! Perfect!
Now the children can explain in details to their parents and any other adult about what the learnt in school and the relevance of what they learnt too.
Now the children can explain in details to their parents and any other adult about what the learnt in school and the relevance of what they learnt too.
You need to link to previous learning to develop the schemas in brains. Also revision of previous learning should be at least 5-7 minutes of a lesson.
Good point. Will revise
Very well explained. However,I wish some kind person would sell this sort of planning for teachers. Take the syllabus and show us week by week units. After 30 years of teaching,I hear everyday,how these changes are good,but teachers spend hours and hours trying to represent this in a program!
Hi Garvin. This is a good lesson although I did not agree to the groups of any size as control will be hard. Remember they are researching own ideas and not syllabus ideas so their needs time to integrate the two and show them a connection.
Hi Garvin. This is a good lesson although I did not agree to the groups of any size as control will be hard. Remember they are researching own ideas and not syllabus ideas so their needs time to integrate the two and show them a connection.