The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Gavin Mccormack

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The earth has a story, each animal is a page in th…

The earth has a story, each animal is a page in the great book of the earth’s existence. Every action has a consequence and as you can see our actions have resulted in this horrible picture.

We cannot ignore that we are destroying the earth. Money and greed are overtaking our empathy for the wellbeing of our world.

You can’t breathe money, you can’t drink it and you certainly can’t eat it.

The biggest companies on the planet need to stop thinking about their share holders and start thinking about their children’s future. What kind of world do we want our children to grow into?

Let’s try to leave the world in better state than we found it!

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