The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Gavin Mccormack

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

The only constant in education is change, and that change is you!

Technology and its place in our schools.

What an amazing morning with Fiona Boyd and Nicolas Rivers, filming for this week’s edutech conference.

I was so excited to discuss the way that education and technology can work together, to change the way we can collectively impact the world.

As the old saying goes ‘everything in moderation’ is the way I consider the role of tech in our learning environments.

We can’t Ignore the fact that technology is absolutely amazing in improving the way we learn, research, and connect with the wider world……..

But, we must never forget that no matter how realistic technology may be, it can never replace the dirty fingernails our children have after exploring in the soil for insects, the smell of baking a real cake as the flour mixes with the eggs in a hot oven, or the feeling you get when you’ve coloured a picture in using pencils and it’s finally complete.

Technology will never be a replacement for innovation in our classrooms, but it does a wonderful job in adding value to every learning journey!

#education #innovation #change #stem #learning #designthinking #science #creativity #students #technology #research #tech #edutech

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